i blog. sort of.

i blog. sort of.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

WIP: ch 1: The Moment that Changes Maya's Life Forever

goodbye moon

This past week I submitted the first chapter of Goodbye Moon to a writer's competition.  I won't know how it did until September, but what the heck!  It's the first time I've ventured the story out into the world, excepting it's visit last year with an editor . . . and I'll tell a little secret here.  The first time with an editor is always a brutal thrashing and bashing for the better.

Chapter one begins in the Moment that Changes Maya's Life Forever.  I began with that moment without any back story because it's intense.  Once she makes the choice to go with her gut, there's no way back.  But the strange thing about irreversible choices is that when we're making them, we don't realize just how irreversible they are.  So it is for Maya.

Maya, who is out on a date with the fabulous Beck, is setting up for a night of roasting marshmallows and making out when she sees something disturbing in the dig-site below (she is on a hill overlooking a valley where there's a archeological dig).  She decides to investigate.  Beck decides to accompany her (chivalrous guy that he is) and their double-date, Cam and Olivia, decide to tag along.

Fate takes over from there.

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